The Sixth Edition of Dr. Haines’s best-selling neuroanatomy atlas features a stronger clinical emphasis, with significantly expanded clinical information and correlations. More than 110 new images-including MRI, CT, MR angiography, color line drawings, and brain specimens-highlight anatomical-clinical correlations.
Internal spinal cord and brainstem morphology are presented in a new format that shows images in both anatomical and clinical orientations, correlating this anatomy exactly with how the brain and its functional systems are viewed in the clinical setting. A new chapter contains over 235 USMLE-style questions, with explained answers.
مصـدر النـــبذة :
حــجم المــلف : 2.8 MB
صيـغة المــلف : PDF
عدد الصفحات :
لـــغة الكـــتاب : اللغة الإنجليزية
حــجم المــلف : 2.8 MB
صيـغة المــلف : PDF
عدد الصفحات :
لـــغة الكـــتاب : اللغة الإنجليزية
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