مدينة الكتب


Fyodor Pavlovitch made her an offer; inquiries were made about him and he was refused. But again, as in his first marriage, he proposed an elopement to the orphan girl. There is very little doubt that she would not on any account have married him if she had known a little more about him in time. But she lived in another province; besides, what could a little girl of sixteen know about it, except that she would be better at the bottom of the river than remaining with her benefactress. So the poor child exchanged a benefactress for a benefactor. Fyodor Pavlovitch did not get a penny this time, for the general’s widow was furious. She gave them nothing and cursed them both. But he had not reckoned on a dowry; what allured him was the remarkable beauty of the innocent girl, above all her innocent appearance, which had a peculiar attraction for a vicious profligate, who had hitherto admired only the coarser types of feminine beauty.

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همسة من بواب المدينة | أصدقائي وإخوتي في الكلمة أعضاء وزوار مدينة الكتب الكِرام ، برجاء الإشتراك بالمدونة ( قائمة المتابعون يمين الصفحة ) لضمان إستمرارية تحميل الكتب في حالة إغلاق المدونة مؤقتاً ... شُكراً جزيلاً