More than 15 years ago, AAP and ACEP joined forces to develop the highly regarded APLS course. APLS is much more than just a course, it is an educational "tool kit" that has helped thousands of emergency physicians and pediatricians to improve the quality of care they provide to infants and children with emergency conditions.
This Fourth Edition of APLS is truly the body of knowledge in pediatric emergency medicine. Developed by expert authors, editors, and faculty from both AAP and ACEP, the new APLS is a unique teaching and learning system for individual physicians, students, residents, teachers, and APLS instructors and course directors.
APLS will offer physicians, nurses, paramedics, and other allied health professionals the information necessary to assess and manage critically ill or injured children during the first hours in the emergency department. APLS goes beyond basic resuscitation and it designed to meet the advanced skills and knowledge of the physician dealing with serious pediatric diseases and problems in an emergency setting
حــجم المــلف : 38.8 MB
صيـغة المــلف : PDF
عدد الصفحات :
لـــغة الكـــتاب : اللغة الإنجليزية
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