"This is the ideal book to accompany human cadaver dissections... The book has extensive clinically relevant information and is so well organized that it should provide support for practicing healthcare professionals throughout their career. This edition has an expanded introductory chapter on systemic anatomy, with significantly improved coverage of the autonomic nervous system, a complicated area that new students often have particular difficulty with. The use of clinical "Blue Boxes" has expanded with descriptions of pathology, injuries, and clinical procedures that are relevant to the anatomy being discussed. These blue boxes are one of the longtime highlights and strengths of the book which have been increased in number and strengthened with illustrations. Summaries called the "Bottom Line" have been added that at times are useful take home messages, though occasionally the sentences end up being lengthy and a bit run-on. Students will most likely find these useful when reviewing material prior to exams. The number of illustrations now rivals some anatomy atlases.
مصـدر النـــبذة :
حــجم المــلف : 45.8 MB
صيـغة المــلف : PDF
عدد الصفحات :
لـــغة الكـــتاب : اللغة الإنجليزية
حــجم المــلف : 45.8 MB
صيـغة المــلف : PDF
عدد الصفحات :
لـــغة الكـــتاب : اللغة الإنجليزية
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